Training Program

The first four weeks

Training: Get Toned program of Nike+ Kinect Training on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Aerobic session twice a week and Muscle training twice a week.

Diet: Concentrate only on learning the exercising. Don't worry about eating

Weeks 5-8

Nike+ Kinect Training: Get Toned Program continues. Exercising on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays.

Diet: learn to eat Five Handfuls a Day vegetables, berries and fruits

Weeks 9-12

Running training begins: Following running exercise every three days (meaning some weeks three and some weeks two exercises): Warm up 5 to 10 minutes by walking, run or try to run extremely slooowly 30 minutes, heart rate should be all the time under 140, preferably under 130. Cool down by walking 5-10 minutes. Don't care if the Nordic walkers go by in the beginning, slow tempo is most important every time!

Nike+ Kinect Training: Muscle Training twice a week.  Get strong Program of Nike+ Kinect Training.

Diet: Keep up the Five Handfuls a Day diet

Weeks 13-16

Running training: Running exercises three times a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Exercises are done as in previous four weeks, except the Saturday run is going to be long run day. Running time is then increased 10 minutes every week from 30 minutes (first week) to 60 minutes (fourth week)

Nike+ Kinect Training: Muscle Training twice a week.  Get strong Program of Nike+ Kinect Training.

Diet: Keep up the Five Handfuls a Day diet

Weeks 17-20

Running training: Running exercises three times a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Exercises are done as in previous four weeks, except:
  • Saturday run is going to be long run day. Running time is then increased 10 minutes every week from 70 minutes (first week) to 100 minutes (fourth week). If you have longer break due to flu or injury (as I just had) make one shorter long run (I ran basic 30 minutes exercise today instead of long run) and then continue to increase the long run 10 minutes next time. (Latest long run I have done was 50 minutes so next long runs are 60,70 and 80 minutes)
  • One 30 minutes basic exercise once a week as previously
  • Every other week one interval run and every other week "hill" run. 
    • Intervals: Do your common 30 minutes exercise but do couple of 2-4 minutes faster run intervals with 140-160 heart rate.
    • Hills: Do your common 30 minutes exercise but run uphills faster than common running speed or do 3-5 30-60 second spurts during the route. Don't worry about the heart rate during the spurts.
Nike+ Kinect Training: Muscle Training twice a week.  Get strong Program of Nike+ Kinect Training.

Diet: Keep up the Five Handfuls a Day diet

Weeks 21-24

Running training: Running exercises three times a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Exercises are done as in previous four weeks, except:
  • Saturday run is going to be long run day. Running time is now shorten to 60 minutes to get one easier week. Then running time is increased 15 minutes every week from 60 minutes (first week) to 105 minutes (fourth week).
    • In the end of week 24, i.e, 105 minutes exercise, run the last 30 minutes with 140-160 heart rate.
  • One 30 minutes basic exercise once a week as previously
  • Every other week one interval run and every other week "hill" run.  Duration of these exercises is now increased to 40 minutes to have enough time to do all intervals and spurts.
    • Intervals: Do your common 40 minutes exercise but do couple of 4-6 minutes faster run intervals with 140-160 heart rate and one 2-4 minutes interval with 160-180 heart rate.
    • Hills: Do your common 40 minutes exercise but run uphills faster than common running speed or do 3-5 1-2 minutes spurts during the route. Don't worry about the heart rate during the spurts and try to get it under 140 in between the spurts.
    • Week 2 or 3: it's time to think your target time to quarter marathon. Calculate your target pace and run 5 kilometres by keeping that pace.
Nike+ Kinect Training: Muscle Training twice a week.  Get strong Program of Nike+ Kinect Training.


Weeks 25-28

Running training: Running exercises three times a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
  • Week 25, preparation to the running event begins
    • Tuesday, intervals+hills, run 45 minutes with 140-160 heart rate and do 5 spurts of 0.5-2minutes without worrying about heart rate. Enjoy! Do your best! This is the last real exercise before the quarter marathon. Now on it's just relaxing and easy running before the event!
    • Thursday, basic 30 minutes exercise as always
    • Saturday, 60 minutes long run
  • Week 26, preparation and relaxing before the event
    • Stretching, stretching, stretching, anywhere, anytime!
    • 2-3 basic 20-30 minutes exercises before the Saturday's event!
    • Saturday, run 10 kilometres / 1/4-marathon. Keep your target pace!
    • Sunday, 20-30 minutes walking
  • Week 27, recovering week
    • Stretching, stretching, stretching, anywhere, anytime!
    • Mon-Fri: Two 20-30 minutes basic exercises
    • Saturday: Long run of 60 minutes
    • One home training is replaced by 20-30 minutes Nordic walking
  • Week 28, half marathon training continues
    • One 30 minutes basic exercise
    • One 40 minutes exercise with 140-160 heart rate
    • Saturday: Long run of 110 minutes with fast end, as in the week 24
    • One home training is replaced by 20-30 minutes Nordic walking

Nike+ Kinect Training: Muscle Training once or twice a week.  Get strong Program of Nike+ Kinect Training.


Weeks 29-32

Running training: Running exercises three times a week, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
  • Week 29, half marathon training
    • One 30 minutes basic exercise
    • One 45 minutes exercise with 140-160 heart rate
    • Saturday: Long run of 150 minutes
    • One home training is replaced by 55 minutes Nordic walking
  • Week 30, half marathon training
    • One 30 minutes basic exercise
    • One 50 minutes exercise of intervals+hills, run with 140-160 heart rate and do 5 spurts of 1.5-2minutes without worrying about heart rate.
    • Saturday: Long run of 130 minutes with fast end, as in the week 24
    • One home training is replaced by 60 minutes Nordic walking
  • Week 31, half marathon training + preparation for the event
    • One 30 minutes basic exercise
    • One 55 minutes exercise with 140-160 heart rate
    • Saturday: Long run of 150 minutes, which is the last one before the event. Enjoy!
    • One home training is replaced by 60 minutes Nordic walking
  • Week 32, preparation to the running event begins
    • Tuesday, intervals+hills, run 60 minutes with 140-160 heart rate and do 6 spurts of 0.5-2minutes without worrying about heart rate. Enjoy! Do your best! This is the last real exercise before the half marathon. Now on it's just relaxing and easy running before the event!
    • Thursday, basic 30 minutes exercise as always
    • Saturday, 60 minutes long run
    • One home training is replaced by 60 minutes Nordic walking

Nike+ Kinect Training: Muscle Training once or twice a week.  Get strong Program of Nike+ Kinect Training.


Weeks 33-36

Running training
  • Week 33, preparation and relaxing before the event
    • Stretching, stretching, stretching, anywhere, anytime!
    • 2-3 basic 20-30 minutes exercises before the Saturday's event!
    • Saturday, run half marathon. Keep your target pace!
    • Sunday, 20-30 minutes walking
    • One home training is replaced by 60 minutes Nordic walking
  • Week 34, recovering week
    • Stretching, stretching, stretching, anywhere, anytime!
    • Mon-Fri: Three 10-20 minutes basic exercises
    • One home training is replaced by 20 minutes Nordic walking
  • Week 35-36
    • Do four Nike+ Kinect Training Exercises or whatever else than running..

Nike+ Kinect Training: Muscle Training once or twice a week.  Get strong Program of Nike+ Kinect Training.


Weeks 37-40

  • Week 37
    • Do four Nike+ Kinect Training Exercises or whatever else than running..
  • Week 38-40
    • Do one about 90 minutes running training every week
    • Be active! Move around with and without the kids
  • Keep up the Five Handfuls a Day diet
  • Drink at least two to three liters of water per day
  • Make sure that you'll get 1-1.5 grams of protein per every kilogram of your body weight

Weeks 41-44

  • Weeks 43-44: Three 30-60 minutes walking per week

Running training: Do one about 90 minutes running training every week
Nike+ Kinect Training: Training session twice a week.  Get strong Program of Nike+ Kinect Training.

  • Keep up the Five Handfuls a Day diet
  • Drink at least two to three liters of water per day
  • Make sure that you'll get 1-1.5 grams of protein per every kilogram of your body weight
  • GoJuttaGo
Weeks 45-48

Walking: Three 30-60 minutes walking per week
Running training: Do one about 90 minutes running training every week
Nike+ Kinect Training: Training session twice a week.  Get strong Program of Nike+ Kinect Training.

  • Keep up the Five Handfuls a Day diet
  • Drink at least two to three liters of water per day
  • Make sure that you'll get 1-1.5 grams of protein per every kilogram of your body weight
  • GoJuttaGo

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