Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Thanks to You My Lovely Son

Thanks to my very lovely son that this project is possible. If this was a maternity leave either of my daughters this project wouldn't be possible. If some mum of a newborn is now reading my blog and has guilty conscience that you haven't exercise or you don't have time to do any own projects, I totally understand. Stop feeling guilty now. My first baby was hard one, the colic baby, and the whole maternity leave was almost like a nightmare. I used all my time to survive each day and the running route was my place to escape the chaos we had at home. For long time afterwards I was so tired that I was thinking that I won't have more babies ever. I wouldn't have power to do it. The whole maternity leave I used for searching why my baby cries so much. And three weeks before the maternity leave ended we got diagnosis of milk protein allergy. If she wasn't the first baby I would have tried to have help earlier but we just didn't know how much crying is normal.

But man happen to forget bad things soon and after a while we planned to have another one. First two or three months were easy with the second daughter. I felt that I have really earned to have the easy baby after we had experienced the colic. But then we had a flu and baby started to have ear infections. I think that it is much easier to cope with the baby that has stomach problems. At least you can carry her/him around and there might be silence, even if you don't sleep. But if your baby has pain in the ears no any home knacks help. For example, there is no any position that necessarily helps to the crying. You can give pain killers to baby and only hope that they help even for a moment. Four months we fight against the infections, I woke up every night at least every hour to hear the crying. It was a bad nightmare. And it took one more month after the infections by waking every hour because it had become a habit. The crying wasn't because of the pain anymore.

Now I have so lovely son and yes, he keeps me awake night time. He haven't slept nighttime more than four hours periods during his five and a half months life but he is amazing daytime. I totally forget the bad nights because the days with him are so easy. And I have learned to tolerate with less sleep. I'm surprised how rarely I need naps. Daytime he sleep long naps. 5.5 hours is a record. And even in the evenings when he is tired and cannot concentrate anymore on anything he lays in the sitter in bathroom and let me go to shower. Bathroom is his favourite, usually if he is upset he calms down when he can go to bathroom to look around. So this kind of lifestyle change project can be possible with the baby if the baby behaves. And I really wish that we don't get any big problems on the way and mummy can concentrate to this project till the end. Now I feel that after all I have experienced with the babies I have earned to have time to my project this time.



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